TOP 3 Books on AI

Hi, cherished Sigmaritans!
We all know that reading is the way to knowledge. Books will always remain those primary learning tools. The Sigmoid team comes to recommend 3 books about the field of Artificial Intelligence that you can add to your collection.
1. "Artificial Intelligence Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction" by Tom Taulli
This book equips you with a fundamental grasp of Artificial Intelligence and its impact. It provides a non-technical introduction to important concepts such as Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Robotics, and more.
2. "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning" by Chandra S.S.V
This book is primarily intended for undergraduate and postgraduate students of computer science and engineering. This textbook covers the gap between the difficult contexts of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. It provides the most number of case studies and worked-out examples.
3. "A First Course in Artificial Intelligence" by Deepak Khemani
This book follows a bottom-up approach exploring the basic strategies needed for problem-solving mainly on the intelligence part. Its main features include an introductory course on Artificial Intelligence, a knowledge-based approach using agents all across, and detailed, well-structured algorithms with proofs.
We hope you enjoy our recommendations and don't forget to leave us in the comments which were the most surprising ideas you discovered in these 3 books.